Metode Augmented Reality Hidupkan Virtual ke Dunia Nyata

Metode Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality (AR) populer digunakan melalui dua cara. Metode Augmented Reality marker dan markerless menawarkan keunikan masing-masing untuk disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan bisnis Anda. Pada awalnya, marker AR menandai peluncuran awal teknologi AR untuk digunakan pada berbagai jenis industri. Seiring perkembangan waktu, AR markerless lebih populer dipakai. Yuk kenali lebih jauh dua metode Augmented Reality di […]

Augmented Reality Marker: Definition, Usage, and Advantage

augmented reality marker

Augmented Reality marker is one of the two methods to display digital content in user’s real environment. This marker-based AR technology is another alternative other than the marker-less AR technology. Augmented Reality marker or marker-based AR marks the very first launching of the AR technology. As time develops, marker-less AR is more popular in use. […]

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