Indonesia Virtual Tour

Virtual Tour 360, the Best Way to Enjoy Art and Tourism Safely from Home

With COVID-19 pandemic is receding, Indonesia virtual tour remains promising for any business types. The tour embeds Virtual Reality (VR) technology that makes it appealing for young generations as the market targets.

Indonesia virtual tour is set to flourish in years to come despite the fact it’s roughly at the infancy stage. The tool has found its momentum with the pandemic as people chose to stay at home to avoid potential COVID-19 infection.

As such, businesses had to come up with a new idea to get their business staying afloat. A virtual tour was the solution and remains so in the wake of dynamic, new business types that require creative promotion strategy. Check out the details below!

What is Indonesia virtual tour?

By definition, Indonesia virtual tour refers to exploring places in the virtual world using computer and other technological devices. The purpose of this tour is bringing real experiences resulting from visiting the real sites without having to come to the areas.

In the realm of business world in Indonesia, the virtual tour will facilitate many business types, such as tourism, property, education, and hospitality. Nowadays, the virtual tour gets immersive and innovative with the use of the VR technology. It refers to the technology that enables us to interact with a virtual environment as simulated by computer. Overly detailed 3D virtual technology with high resolution equips VR to provide seemingly real experiences and solutions for the business types and others.

Why is Indonesia virtual tour profitable?

1. For businessmen

As the business landscape is heading to digitalization, Indonesia virtual tour serves as the first entry for branding. A business will easily grab people’ attentions, especially young generations, with hi-tech perspective by applying the tour type. Shortly, they will remember the brand as the one that stays at the forefront of innovation. This will benefit significantly if the brand engages in IT or technological product or service. Even if it’s not, the strategy will indirectly paint a positive image for the market targets.

Planting a strong and good branding will make the brand applying marketing and promotional strategies easier. As the brand is at the top of the people’ minds, it won’t find it difficult to introduce its name and product. People will subconsciously relate the product with the brand.

With the immersive experience, it’s more likely the brand will convert the target market as the end consumer. They will find the tour as a convincing means to buy or use the product or the service.

2. For consumers

Indonesia virtual tour facilitates all consumer types to dive deeper into what technology, particularly, VR, may bring to the table. Even if you are a classic or conventional type of consumer, it’s hard to resist not to try new technological innovation. This gets irresistible when the innovation is put into a product or a service you’re about to buy.

Immersive experiences with a product or a service deepens relationships between brands and consumers or target consumers. You will have the chance to know what’s beyond a product or a service from educational side.

For business types, such as art and history, Indonesia virtual tour using VR technology will awaken and rebuild your fondness with art and museum. MonsterAR digitizes some museums in Indonesia, such as the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) museum in Magelang, Central Java. We created 13 technologies for the museum to attract interests from young people. We completed an interactive directory, interactive floor, smart table, batik drawing application, audio visual room, and educative mobile game. We also added Augmented Reality technology and hologram technology.

How is Indonesia virtual tour applied?

Below are the uses of virtual tour across sectors:

1. Virtual tour in property industry

Virtual tour is very popular in property or real estate industry. Some virtual tour types are available. Among the simplest one is interactive floor map while complete service within the tour is the complicated one. Interactive floor map shows property pictures with floor map and arrow that show the area where which each picture is taken. Clicking the arrow informs the users the location of the camera and the direction.

The virtual tour with complete service is usually supplied by professional photographers that will visit properties on sales. They will take the pictures and implement them all through special software. The tour type is typically more expensive than the interactive floor map. This is due to the price of renting the photographers, the top gears used, and the special software. Among the top gears is SLR digital camera.

2. Museum Digitalization

Three dimensional virtual tour technology gets more frequently used in documentation and historical item preservation that is likely to damage or is limited for public access. The 3D virtual model can be kept in digital archive for research and academic exploration in the future.

3. Hospitality

Hotels started offering virtual tour services in their websites when the pandemic hit the world. The strategy is effective until nowadays, from 360-degree picture up to video tour. The tour aims at informing the online guests about the property landscape and the facility thus adding the income from room reservation.

4. Tourism

Virtual walk video or virtual tour is a documentary film while a camera is in motion en route to a city or natural landscape. The effect of the tour enables audiences to view the landscape and hear the voices alongside certain routes at the same speed.

By simulating motion pictures via room realistically, virtual walks differ from conventional video trips. The conventional one usually consists of a series of camera setting, most of which are static, throughout the certain route inside specific area.

Virtual walks are recommended for those who wish to experience the landscape and voice from certain sites in other countries but have no time or money to visit the places. The virtual walks are also good for treadmill users or coaches so that they won’t feel bored during the trainings and improve their experiences as well.

Indonesia Virtual Tour through Museum Digitalization

In developed countries, museums and libraries attract a lot of visitors and they complete each other. The use of digital technology greatly helps the museums and libraries because their contents and information are better received by younger generation, especially Generation Z, who is already familiar with gadget.

VR technology draws much interests from the society and contributes widely for many sectors, from education, product marketing, work safety training, video game, office technology, and many more.

Why Museum Is Important

Museum stores millions of past stories in form of historical remains, art, knowledge, and antique objects. It later displays them all for visitors who will gain advantages as follow:

  • Complementing and learning more accurate historial dan cultural knowledge.
  • Drawing inspirations in creating art works.
  • Conserving art and culture of Indonesia.
  • Enjoying art works and recreation at probably their best places.
  • Growing appreciation toward the Indonesian art and culture, especially for young generation.

Museum Digitization Program in Indonesia

As of today, digital technology has been applied by a lot of museums in Indonesia. Our program on museum digitization movement has contributed to the current situation. Also, the initiation has driven many youngsters and Generation Z visiting museums. Why is this so important? The youngsters and Generation Z will become successors of this country. This is in line with the slogan from former Indonesia president, Bung Karno, who famously said “A great nation is the one that won’t forget the history of its own.”

We have digitized the following museums in Indonesia:

1. The Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) Museum in Magelang

We completed 13 technologies for this museum. Upon entering it, visitors will be welcomed by an interactive directory to help them finding certain spots inside of it. Also, there is an interactive floor, an interactive application that will show all representative offices of the agency.

Augmented Reality technology also equips the new version of the museum. It is able to display some ancient buildings in Magelang in 3D formats. Hologram technology in the museum is present with LCD projector that is directed to a transparent mirror thus can show video from two sides, front and back ones.

Other technologies in the museum are smart table, batik drawing application, audio visual room, educative mobile game, etc.

2. Bank Indonesia (BI) Museum

BI museum preservers the finance history in Indonesia, from pre-independence era until now. We display four multimedia technologies that can educate and serve as innovative entertainment medium for the guests.

Pose with Rupiah: strike a pose and take a picture with newest Rupiah as the background. The feature will make visitors as figures inside Rupiah, replacing national and historical heroes in 3D forms.

Future Payment: the digital museum that educate visitors about payment types and their methods for future uses.

Interactive Table: the interactive game about benefits and weaknesses from each of the payment methods, from debit, e-money, up to credit card.

Interactive Wall: it presents financial inflation map. Take an example on the value of IDR100,000 during low and high inflation levels. The wall will display how many goods can be purchased using that amount of money along with the animations and inflation routes.

3. Bagong Kussudiardja Art Hermitage (PSBK)

We have successfully rebuilt ways to reconnect art and the public. Our solution is an innovative breakthrough that displays new communication tools in form of mobile apps with Augmented Reality technology. It was launched to celebrate the 41st anniversary of PSBK thus mark its transformation as cross generation art centre. This AR app facilitates easier accesses of art rooms for the public.

Country Defence Museum: Augmented Reality, interactive wall, smart table, interactive booth.

Gallery of Indonesia Dam of the Public Works and Housing Ministry: Interactive wall, holobox mock-up, holostage, Augmented Reality.

Dharma Wiratama Museum: Interactive Table.

Juang 45 Building Museum Bekasi: Museum Digitalization

GoMuseum, Solution for Museum Virtual Tour During Pandemic

GoMuseum is a 3D Virtual app that allows visitors exploring museums online safely from their houses thus will comply health protocols. They can visit every corner of a museum without limits. This provides extraordinary experiences compared to direct visits that see them almost impossible accessing all of the corners.

The application is equipped with detailed 3D virtual technology with high resolution, precise room map simulation and interactive features. As a result, visitors will enjoy more real and deeper museum experiences.

Read Also: Jasa Branding Produk Powerful Melalui Penerapan Teknologi Digital

GoMuseum also has other features, such as online & VIP ticketing, door prize drawing, and digital database reservation that are open for advertisement and marketing uses in the future.

Indonesia Virtual Tour for Tourism Business

Tourism sector is one of the fields that have hugely impacted by the pandemic. The condition has been exacerbated by the limited transportation access from other countries. Solving the problem requires cooperation and support from the government, particularly Tourism and Creative Economy Ministry.

Thanks to AR and VR technologies, tourists can access various information from places they wish to visit. The information can be in forms of nearest hotels, tourism destinations, nearby museums, and even closet culinary spots. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality have their own ways to assist tourism industry so as it will survive.

1. Augmented Reality (AR)

Google Lens dan Google Translate allows tourists to scan and translate road signs, maps, guidelines, and menu in real-time. AR technology also facilitates visitors to translate dozens of languages. Google Maps can display AR comfortable navigation through virtual signs on top of the real roads for showing the next destinations.

AR allows for showing beneficial information when tourists scan surrounding environments and the best recommended places. AR helps translating menu and adding digital contents in form of complete 3D along with nutrition and allergy information. Therefore, visitors will not be confused and anxious when selecting food menu.

2. Virtual Reality (VR)

Today’s travel agents apply VR technology as business tools as done by business players in game and education sectors. Through VR, tourists can slightly taste experiences in desired destinations. This will greatly help them in terms of cost efficiency that may be spent for visiting the places then may find them below the expectations.

HomeTravel, the Solution of Indonesia Virtual Tour in Tourism

One example of VR use for this industry is looking at pictures in 360 degrees. Would-be hotel guests are able to virtually book rooms. The method allows hotel managements to provide simulations for popular tourist destinations.

Do you need a solution to rescue tourism business during the pandemic?

Introducing HomeTravel, digital platform for exploring tourism sites from home safely and conveniently thus keep complying health protocols and avoiding COVID-19 virus infection.

HomeTravel contains Virtual Reality (VR) 360° technology with very sharp resolution and first-person point of view thus can supply real experiences like what direct visits can provide.

Indonesia virtual tour will provide descriptions on the situation and condition of the destinations. The pop-up information and click & point navigation features will serve as interactive and attractive information storing medium for would-be travellers for all tourism destinations across Indonesia.

HomeTravel also has many interesting features, which are cash & coin system, online top-up cash, survey & testimony, door prize drawing system and advertising space as added values for your business. Click below for obtaining complete solutions and consultancies for museum digitalization and tourism.

Should you wish to create a customized virtual tour, please contact us, MonsterAR, that has had wide experiences in AR and VR technologies.

Program Gerakan Digitalisasi Museum dari MonsterAR untuk seluruh museum di Indonesia
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